Pantry Refills
We understand the financial strain of providing basic personal items. Through partnerships with other non-profits and organizations and through donor support, we are able to assist the community by providing an array of pantry staples such as paper towels, toilet tissue, cleaning supplies, and basic hygiene items.
*Note images do not represent brands distributed
Welcome Home Housewarming Baskets
Donations from the village allow us to partner with nonprofits and other community organizations to provide move-in housewarming baskets for individuals moving into stable housing.
*Note images do not represent brands distributed

Our Closet
​Paying rent, bills, buying gas, groceries? Where is the extra for shopping? No worries, we understand...
Thrifting anyone?
Our Closet is a free pop up community thrift store event stocked with donations from our generous supporters.
Coming soon -- our full services page!
Willing to provide these resources or a similar resource? Become a partner below!